Park Heights Renaissance, Inc. (PHR)
Park Heights Renaissance (PHR) is dedicated to creating strong partnerships and leveraging resources to implement the Park Heights Master Plan. PHR aims to enhance and sustain a thriving and inclusive community by using a holistic approach to community development.
The Community Impact Grant
The Community Impact Grant program supports cross-sector collaborations to drive place-based investments and strategies that enhance sustainable economic mobility in the Park Heights community.
Funded Partners focus on programs and projects aligned with the Park Heights Master Plan, emphasizing outcomes that address priority community needs. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year, providing flexibility to respond to emerging opportunities and challenges.
Funding decisions are made through an application review process led by the PHR Grants Committee, with final selections determined by a Leadership Team. The total number of grants awarded depends on the available funding.
What Does the Community Impact Grant Fund?
The Community Impact Grant prioritizes funding for initiatives that address the following areas:
Cradle to Career Education (Early Childcare, Education, Out of School Time)
Healthy Families (Healthcare, Seniors, Infant Mortality, Mental Health, Food Insecurity)
Economically Secure Families (Workforce Development, Entrepreneurship, Wealth Building, Housing)
Safe and Thriving Communities (Violence Reduction, Seniors, Recreation, Transportation, Community Support Services, Commercial Development)
Grant recipients are required to submit monthly and final reports on the requested data and the impact of their funded project or program.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants include:
- Nonprofit Organizations
- For-profit organizations (LLC, Sole Proprietor, S Corp, C Corp)
- Community Leaders
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Community-Based Organizations
- Health Institutions
- Employers
- Public Service Organizations
- Social Justice Organizations
- Entrepreneurial Organizations
Applicants must serve the area covered by the Park Heights Master Plan to be eligible for funding. To view the Park Heights Master Plan, copy/paste the URL below.
If you have questions about eligibility or the grant process, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at or